Recent Locations
Aiguamolls Emporda
The second largest wetland in Catalonia is Aiguamolls de l'Empordà . Situated in the heart of the Costa Brava it is populated by over 300 species including Nightinggale, Stork, Great spotted cuckoo, Spoonbill, Collared pratincole, and Stone-curlew. Originally the area was drained to make way for agriculture and it wasn’t always a national park. In the 1980s it was given national park status after a campaign to stop development won out.
Delta del Llobregat
Airports aren’t the first places you think of to spot birds. However, airports are surrounded by protected land – perfect habitat for wild birds. The Delta del Llobregat surrounds Barcelona’s airport. The El Prat airport in Barcelona is a coastal airport and is mostly surrounded by wetland and beach. Two thousand years ago, way back when the Romans where knocking about, this area would have been pine forest. Until they ripped up all the pine trees to build boats. The result was the area flooded and created what is now the wetlands that make up the airport.